Earning Ways
Our Plans / Ways of Earning
Al Qalam Multinational offers very authentic and dynamic working plan for its members. You can work with us no Limitation’s of time, age & Qualification. Our plan is a important tool that help u to find the best track of earning.HM is Unique and multidimensional hybrid earning system. Our Unique and different streams of earning, tasks and membership Subscription system is as below.
From $150
Task to Perform…
- Education
- Advertisment
- Digital Marketing
- Ads posting / Ads Sharing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Link Copy Paste
- Product Hunting & Selling
- Online Tutor Training & Interviews
Basic Projects
- Data Entry
- Ads watching
- Ads clicking
- Contant Writing
- Clients Backup
- Pages Management
- Graphics Designing
- Promote & Post Web Links
- Guest Posting
Period so to oppose we little seeing or branch. Announcing contrasted not imprudence add frequently you possession mrs.
From $350
Task to Perform…
- Office Working
- Team Management
- Presentation work
- Public Dealing
- HR Department
- Trainer Working
- Form Filling
- Group Leading
- Customer Support
Everything so dispatched as it increasing pianoforte.
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Point Rewards
Subscription Plans
Target Rewards
Alqalam Multinational is one of the best advertising specialists company providing a wide
range of promotional strategies including hajj and umrah Tickets , Digital camera,
smartphone laptop etc…..
how to start..!
Alqalam Multinational is a centralized and authentic program based on smart working and enables customers to earn money through our specialized marketing services. You can take advantage from our training sessions . In these sessions, we will provide you the best track of Earning and we will guide you properly about the process. Users have to manage an official account on our website where they can receive working tasks, Earning , points and rewards. In case of not having any international account you must need to upgrade for our membership plan